September 19, 2022

Staging Secrets to Boost Your Sale Price

Are you the kind of seller who thinks that staging is just another added cost as part of the process of getting your home ready for sale? If you are, you’re definitely going to want to read this. Staging is the process of styling and furnishing your home to show off its best features and help buyers feel like they could see themselves living in the property. Studies have shown that staging can increase...

Should I Sell Before the Market Crashes?

Are you worried about the real estate market crashing and what that might mean for your home’s value? A lot of homeowners are in the same boat. But let’s get the record straight, with a few basics you need to know! First, the market isn’t likely to crash. Even though our current market has been a bit crazy, it’s very different from the market in 2008. In 2008, the market was built on speculation...

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